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Our Mission

Technology should be free for everyone and that is my mission for Laptop&Me. I believe that technology should be free and fun, but so should education. Many people cannot experience amazing topics and subjects because of their financial situation. That is why, I wish to share my knowledge on my favourite topic, Computer Science, free of charge! No programming skill are needed either. We will be exploring multiple languages starting with one of the most basic language: Scratch! This is a beginner-level course.

Down below, there will be more information about my classes, registration form, and also a course outline depicting what I intend on going through in my classes. Hope to see you soon!

Class Information

Class will be weekly on Sunday! ^-^

Times: 5-6pm (PST)

Classes are also free!

Course outline is down below.

Please Submit a Form to Register!


Course Outline

Date Topic Details
Sept 6 Introduction What is Scratch?
What can you do in Scratch?
The interface:
- Motion
- Looks
- Sound
- Events
- Control
- Sensing
- Operators
Sept 13 Intro to logic Common Computer Science terminology
What is a boolean?
What are if statements?
What is a condition?
Sept 20 WASD Game
Cat & Mouse
Best way to learn is to try ourselves!
Simple tutorial to make a cat chasing mouse game.
Learn to use:
- Backgrounds
- How to control with keys
- How to make a simple AI
- BONUS: Have a score counter
Sept 26
(Time switch)
Pen Tool Access the hidden blocks
What is the Pen Tool?
What are basic functions we can do?
Oct 3 More blocks Variables
My blocks
Basic ways to use them
Oct 10 Project with Buttons To see how we might create functional buttons
(i.e. main menu) in the future!
Drawing board Project!
Oct 17 Playable Piano More projects with Buttons
Exploring more hidden blocks: music section
Oct 24 First Big Project
First big Project!
Instead of a step-by-step tutorial from me,
students will build it out themselves!
Oct 31 No Class Today
Nov 7 Clicker Game Clicker game with Student's choice of the theme
(Roblox clicker)
Have a functional item to get money when clicked
Have a store.
Explore effects and animations to style a game
Nov 14
Nov 21 Stick person Badminton Recreating a simple game online
Nov 28
Dec 5 Project!!! Students create their own project!
Based on their own ideas or from online
Dec 12
Dec 19